RisenStorm will assist stallion owners in purchasing, marketing, and developing their stallions.
Training for your race horse or future race horse is not only a hard decision but also one of the most important decisions you will ever make in reguards to the success of the future career of you horse. There are several different styles of training your your horse that may all get them to the track, but the proper method will increase the chances of having a long successful career with your equine athlete.
Our method of training is a mixture of the methods of the 1950's, 60's, and 70's mixed with natural horsemanship. This method has been adopted from leading trainers from that era, as well as, the ideas of Bruce Headley. Our methods are not copied off of Mr. Headley, but are taken from his ideas of understanding the horse, putting the horse first, and using the knowledge of a horses natural instincts to train a horse to its fullest potential. Training today is so different from the glory days of racing during which horses had long careers. Our programs help develop a horse into a strong and durable athlete. We also utilized our knowledge of pedigrees to help interpret the running distance and styles of each individual horse, while listening to each individual student to begin to point them in the proper direction and turn over an abundance of information to their eventual on track trainers.
RisenStorm can work with your foals at many different stages in their life. From the earliest stages of life it is important to start the giving the foal the basics it will need its entire life. RisenStorm will start with foals immediately after foaling to imprint them and teach them the basics of dealing with humans. From weaning to the time the first saddle in placed on their back, each foal should be trained to be able to perform many of the things they will be expected to do on track. From hot walking to gates, the sooner they are exposed to these routines the easier it is on them to master it under saddle. Physical development is extremely important at this time. Running out in the paddock with other young horses is just not enough to trigger its body to develop into the athlete you are expecting. RisenStorm slowly works with them to properly develop the physical attributes needed for a long successful career.
RisenStorm is different, but in times when you see horse only having 13 or fewer starts in their career, we believe being different is being better. Let us help develop your future champion.